Denver churches are getting creative to offer their followers a safe way to attend services in the age of COVID-19. The pandemic forced churches to turn services into virtual events since March, but as cabin fever sets in and people long for a new way to connect, some churches are finding new ways to use technology and coworking spaces to bring their members together on Sunday mornings.

Beginning October 4th, The Embassy Church—a multi-cultural, non-denominational, evangelical church in Denver—will be transitioning Sunday services from virtual services over Zoom to an in-person service at the 90-space parking lot of Enterprise Coworking in the River North Art District of Denver. Attendees will stay inside their cars and tune into an FM station broadcasting the service from the main entrance patio where Pastor Brandon Washington will speak.

“We took the idea of the old-school drive-in theatre and applied it to our needs,” said Pastor Brandon Washington of The Embassy Church. “We heard of similar solutions happening around the country and since our church was already a member of Enterprise Coworking, the perfect space to try this was right under our nose.”

Pastor Brandon Washington expects 150 to 200 people in attendance. The church met with city officials to ensure they were abiding by local regulations. Only people of the same household can share seats in a car. The Pastor will speak from the entrance of Enterprise Coworking, which is elevated four feet above the parking lot, allowing every car to see the service as well as listen in on their radios. The church plans to hold services every Sunday for the foreseeable future, weather permitting.

The Embassy Church is not the only church service being held at Enterprise Coworking. Denver Presbyterian, another member of the coworking space, has begun holding small services on the workspace’s large rooftop patio, enforcing strict social distancing and mask guidelines.

“Our mission at Enterprise Coworking is to facilitate connections to enable our members to elevate not only their careers but all aspects of their lives,” said Josh Fine, the company’s president. “Working creatively to help two churches who are members of our community hold safe, in-person services was a natural extension of what we do every day for all our member companies and individuals.”

The Embassy Church plans to video record each service so those still attending virtually can participate.